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Short and Concise Informative Video On Sophia and Vyommitra


Content Writer and Blog Manager: Yash Patil

This blog is providing all you need to know about AI, currently in progress. Learners who are passionate about Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science and just starting or advancing their career in these fields may find this blog helpful. I was an absolute beginner for AI in September 2020, and at the same time, I had a Programming Experience of 1 year with Python Programming Language. Perhaps I could help you get started into AI without any confusion and mistakes that most of us do. I will be posting on every smallest and largest topic you need to know in Artificial Intelligence. You won't need to read 10s of books to understand and learn Artificial Intelligence / Computer Science. All the concepts would be precise on what we need to know rather than wasting our time on Facts that have no use to remember.


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